Tips for Hunting with a UTV

Tips for Hunting with a UTV from Harold Implement Co.

When you get serious about hunting, you’ll get serious about having the right tools for the job. From your gun or bow, to your camouflage, to the knives you use to clean the animal. One of the best recent additions to these tools is a UTV. These rugged side-by-sides help you cover more ground faster meaning you can get into the best hunting grounds before anyone else. And when it comes time to pack your game back, you’ll have the advantage of a powerful vehicle to make the job easier. Here at Harold Implement Co., Inc., we carry the latest UTVs from some of the most trusted brands. We draw on years of experience in the industry to help our customers find the perfect match for their needs. Located Near Paragould and Jonesboro, Arkansas, we proudly serve areas like Pocahontas, Arkansas and Poplar Bluff, Missouri.

Learn the Rules

It’s important to know the rules about hunting with a UTV in your particular state because every state has slightly different hunting regulations. Some classify a UTV in a way that’s essentially the same as an ATV, while others classify it as it’s own distinct type of off-road vehicle. Some states allow firing from an ATV or UTV for people with special disability permits, but many states do not. Some states forbid even having a loaded rifle in the vehicle. Regardless of the state, you’ll still need to follow the basics, though. You’ll need a hunting license and tags for any hunts you go on. You’ll also need to be aware of land use issues. Most National Forest and Bureau of Land Management land is open to hunting to the public unless posted otherwise. If you’re hunting on private land, make sure you’re aware of property lines. Never fire your gun within 500 feet of a road or house, and always practice intelligent gun safety.


All hunters have a responsibility to the prey, the environment, and their fellow citizens. You should always make sure you have a clean shot at your target and know where the bullet will travel if it misses the animal. Give other hunters a wide berth when travelling so as not to get in the way of their shots or disturb their chances of bagging an animal. Before crossing private land, ask the landowner, and always close gates behind you and leave fences intact.

Tips for Successful Hunting with a UTV

A UTV will help you get to the best land, opening up the possibilities for finding good game. To be the most successful, though, try to keep the noise down as much as possible. This means driving directly to the spot you want to go and not driving around aimlessly or going in circles. Try to keep the engine at a low RPM to avoid loud engine revs. Once you get to your location, you’ll want to walk as far from your UTV as possible so that you can stay away from its scent. You can cover your UTV with a specially designed UTV hunting cover to keep it out of sight.

Equipping Your UTV for Hunting

A few simple pieces of equipment will turn your UTV into a fearsome hunting machine. First, a winch will make pulling big game out of the mud or swamp much easier. If you’re hunting big game, you’ll also want several different types of straps and ropes to tie down your prey. A cargo net can be helpful for keeping several fowl strapped down and secure. A rifle scabbard is helpful for keeping your gun safe and protected as you travel and it will help keep it at hand if you need to stop quickly to use it. Higher end models will keep your rifle secure to keep your scope sighted in, too. Some extra lights can help light your path if you’re heading out to your hunting blind early in the morning.

Hunting with a UTV opens up a whole world of possibilities. No matter what your prey, a UTV will get you to the right spots quicker and will help you get your catch home without trouble. If you’ve never tried it before, you’re missing out. Stop by Harold Implement Co., Inc., when you’re ready to check out some awesome new UTVs for your next hunting trip. We’re located in Paragould and Jonesboro, Arkansas, and many of our customers come from places like Pocahontas, Arkansas and Poplar Bluff, Missouri. Stop by today!