Articles >> Riding Mowers vs Zero Turn

Choosing the Best Riding Lawn Mower

Riding Mowers vs Zero Turn Articles from Riding Harold Implement Co.

The days of push mowers are as good as over. With more efficient, safer, and increasingly more affordable models of riding lawn mowers, you can now get more done without putting a hole in your wallet. Lawn tractors and zero turn mowers are the two common styles of riding lawn mowers, and both help you turn an afternoon of hard labor into just an hour or so of light, relaxing mowing. However, picking between these two types can be a tricky task, so that's why we put together this guide to explain the important differences between a lawn tractor and a zero turn mower. After reading, you'll understand how much more efficient you can be with zero turn mowers, so come check out our models of Bad Boy Mowers at Harold Imp Co Inc. when you want to take your lawn care practices to the next level. We're located near Paragould, AR, and we'd be happy to help you completely redefine your landscaping experience.

Lawn Tractors


For smaller yards, lawn tractors are some of the better options for getting your lawn mowed. These vehicles are quite a bit cheaper than zero turn models, but they still help you get the job done quickly and with minimal effort. Just like you're used to in a car, a lawn tractor is controlled by a steering wheel. They're equipped with comfortable seats and armrests, so mowing your lawn becomes more a leisure activity than a laborious chore. Also, if you have some slightly steeper grades, a lawn tractor is better suited for handling your yard than a zero turn mower, since it can handle slight inclines without the same risk of flipping.


Even though lawn tractors can handle much more work than a standard push lawn mower, they still aren't ideal for those with large lawns or yards full of difficult obstacles. Sure, the steering wheel makes these vehicles a little more natural to drive, but they don't pivot as effectively as a zero turn mower, which makes it difficult to make a 90° turn without missing some spots. In large yards, this can be pretty frustrating and time consuming, because you'll wind up going over the same row a second or possibly third time just to make sure you cover everything. Overall, it will still make your life a little easier, but some yards simply call for a more advanced vehicle.

Zero Turn Mowers


If you have a bigger yard, tough edges to cut around, or simply want to get the job done really fast, a zero turn mower will be your best friend. Especially when you choose a Bad Boy Mower, you'll get the job done in a fraction of the time, as these vehicles are designed to make quick, smooth cuts, so you won't miss a spot every time you turn to start a new row. They pivot on the back wheels, which allows that large frame to easily turn back and line up exactly with the row that you just mowed. On top of that, they have a wider frame and bigger blade to cover more ground in less time. And finally, for those who enjoy a little extra speed in their ride, zero turn mowers are perfect because they have more horsepower. This doesn't just mean you get the job done faster, but also makes for a more enjoyable lawn mowing experience. Who ever said a chore has to be boring?


There are very few disadvantages to zero turn mowers, but there are a few situations where you might want to avoid using one. For one thing, grades that are any steeper than 10 or 15 degrees should not be attempted on a zero turn, as these are more likely to flip on steep fields. In this case, you'll probably want to use your push mower or other device to cover the incline. However, for everything else, a zero turn mower will perform better than any other lawn mower out there.

No matter what type of riding lawn mower you choose, you'll see a drastic change in performance and efficiency when upgrading from a simple push mower. This guide explains the basics of each type, so when you're ready to pick up a lawn tractor or Bad Boy Mower, come on into Harold IMp Co Inc. We serve the areas of Jonesboro and Pocahontas, AR, as well as Poplar Bluff, Missouri.

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